Baylor SCUP

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Baylor SCUP

Dallas, TX

  • Location

    Dallas, TX
  • Project End



The New South Central Utility Plant is designed for future expansion of Baylor University Medical Center Dallas. This SCUP receives from the utility company a dual source of 5000 amps @ 600 volts to the Main-Tie-Main Switchboard. This Switchboard feeds normal power to three 2000 amp ATS’s. The Emergency Power is generated by three 2,000KVA, 13,200 Volt Cummings Diesel Generators Paralleled through a 13,200KVA 600 amp Russelectric Switchboard. This Paralleling Gear feeds a 2,500 KVA Substation which in turn feeds the three 2,000 amp ATS’s. The utility company also provides a Dual Feed 600 Amp, 4,160 Volt service to a Utility Automatic Source Transfer Switch. This Switch feeds two 2,400 Ton Chiller 4,160 Volt ATS’s. The Emergency Power Source for each ATS is generated by a 1,750 KW, 4,160 Volt Generator installed on the 2nd Floor of the SCUP. By way of Fiber Optic cable installed through underground tunnels, the North Central Utility Plant Paralleling Switch can communicate with the South. Any one of 39 ATS’s in 8 separate buildings is capable of initializing the South Generators to start, parallel and supply the Emergency Power required in the event of a power failure. To accomplish this, over 8,000 feet of 15KV Interlocked Armored Cable was installed in the Tunnels as well.